Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sexual Stragies that Men and Women Pursue:

Scientific Article by David M. Buss on Sexual Strategies

I'll cull this down to the interesting stuff. Simply put, men and women have two options for pursuing mates. They can either pursue long-term mates or short-term mates. Interestingly, the friends know the strategies and tactics that they use and there is a high accuracy rate between them.

Men and women who want a sexual partner pursue the same strategies. Women prefer three qualities when seeking a short-term partner. Attractiveness, sexual availability, and social dominance. Men initiated touch, dressed better, and were reported to have had sex more often. Women did the same. Also, they would derogatively refer to rivals on the same scale. Men called attention to a lack of rivals attractiveness or sexual abilities. Women called other women "frigid" or insinuated they didn't have sex.

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