Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gaining Inherent value

The key to an instant transformation is what Mystery does first on “the pick-up artist”. Get a make-over. Here are some keys that will instantly transform your inherent value:

1.) Shave. Any excess facial hair that looks scraggly needs to come off immediately. It isn’t attractive, and women don’t like it when you are pleasuring them.

2.) Get rid of bad hair. Any hair on the neck that makes the “fur rug” needs to go. Ditto with your chest hair and the hair rug on the lower back. No one has ever found hair on these three places attractive, get rid of it. If you have hair coming out of your nose or your ears, get rid of it. Shave that unabrow. This should be elementary, but so many guys have these horrible grooming mistakes and then wonder why women don’t find them attractive.

This applies to all regions. You don’t have to clean shave your back, forearms, pubic region, etc. but you do need to do some “manscaping” to keep them clean. The easiest way to do it is to buy a pair of clippers and set the shave to two or three. If the hairs are hard, you can use conditioner to keep them from feeling too bristly.

3.) Unclean, cracked, broken, or long fingernails. Clip your nails evenly, and get rid of any dirt down there. You can cheaply make your nails look much better by either getting a polishing kit or by using clear nailpolish to make them look nice. One advantage of painting your nails black is that it hides any dirt you may have. A clear nail overcoat is more likely for most men, it works great if you use palm reading techniques to allow you to show your hands off to a woman.

4.) Moisturize. Both your face and hands. Many men have dried out, dead looking skin on those areas.

5.) Get a good haircut. Trust a gay barber, he will try to make you look good versus a woman who will probably play safe.

6.) Along with that, post up various pictures of yourself on “Hotornot” or another rating website and see what looks and styles get you the highest ratings.

7.) Wear deodorant, use colognes, and smell good. Incidentally, a word on colognes. Colognes interact with your personal body oils and smell to create something that is different. So, what a cologne smells like when you spray it on a stick is not what it will smell like when you apply it on yourself. Style’s Cologne opener is brilliant because it both initiates a conversation and it gives you real world information you need.

8.) Start reading fashion magazines. Details, Esquire, GQ, and so forth. Go visit any bookstore and you can read them for free while you wait. There are several fashion books which can help you out, I recommend everyone own Details book on men’s fashion. Several recommendations on the top fashion books will be given in the general style advice section.

9.) Even if you don’t have great fashion, at the least, you need to wear clothes that fit. Many men wear clothing that is very ill-fitting on their body or body type. Fat men, do not wear t-shirts or hoodies. These pad you up and make you look bloated. Wear long-sleeve t-shirts and jackets if you can.

10.) Whiten your teeth. Yellow discolored teeth are a disqualifier, use a whitener on them or if you really need help, get porcelain veneers.

11.) If you wear glasses, switch to contacts. If you still wear glasses, pick a designer pair, (make sure you pick a spare frame so if you destroy them you have a back-up). If you have a sharply angled face, do NOT wear glasses that have sharp angles as well. Pick a more rounded pair. Conversely, if you have a roundish face, wear glasses with angles to contrast it. A mildly darkened lens is an excellent piece to have as well.

12.) Get a tan. Spray-on tans have special methods to be applied, but places like Mystiq tan do an excellent job of applying a whole body tan. You can use a tanning bed as well, but do not overdo it. Overdoing it will create leathery skin, increase your risk of skin cancer, and make you look like a lobster.

13.) Join a gym. There are different types of workouts for different types of people. However, you should be very careful about gym memberships. Signing a membership for a year can land you a gym membership can get you into a gym that you will not visit for 8 months and still have to pay for. A separate article will be written on this.

Strangely, many people show up to bootcamps without these basic habits down. After this, you will need to work on the harder part of inherent value. Building an identity and dressing so that you stand out.

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