Monday, January 12, 2009

Low sexual desire number one problem women report

Sometimes, it's not just you.

Women can literally smell sex

Women's brains encode males sweat during sex. Literally, women can smell the sex on you.

Ross Jeffries on goal setting

Appropriately enough, after I posted a link about some of the dangers of goal setting, Ross Jeffries put up an excellent video on how to avoid the common pitfalls and stay focused. This video is highly recommended.

Attribution Bias, why your calibration is off

This is one of my favorite social psychology biases:

The Actor-Observer Bias. In a nutshell, what it says is that we tend to judge our own negative actions in terms of circumstances. There's a Stylelife DVD with Neil Strauss where he's coaching a seminar. A girl comes onto stage and he asks the guys to judge her. The responses are things like "Gold digger", "high maintenance", and "Daddy's girl". They're all dead wrong. Neil seems visibly upset when he tells them that none of that is true, it's all in their head.

Now for you psychology nuts, you already know that this is technically "projection", not actor observer bias. But stay with me, there's a point. A common problem that guys have is they go into the set and assume that if something goes wrong, it is the girls fault. "That girl must be a total b***h." Not true. In pick-up, it's most likely because you did something wrong. However, sometimes, you did nothing wrong. The fact is, you have no idea what's going on in her life. To assume you can predict that is to fall victim to the actor-observer bias.

So if you want to get your calibration up to speed, you need to learn how to read the situation properly.

1.) Don't make a common newbie mistake. Newbies often do three sets and if one of those three sets goes badly, they assume there's a mistake. Aim for opening at least ten sets. If seven out of those ten sets are giving you feedback about the same mistake, then you have a real sticking point. Because you can't control whatever is affecting her in her life, you need more to get the real feedback.

2.) Don't "read into her type". You have no idea what her type even is, much less whether or not you are close to it. Instead, go in with no attachment to the outcome and the frame that you are the "Partying Pope" (Mehow) who is going to present a compelling reality to the girl.

3.) Be aware of bad behavior on your part. Remember that if you get pissed off or "reactive", people will read this as being a personality trait about you. Rather than assuming you had a bad day, they will assume you are a jerk.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Inner Game: New Year Resolutions Bad for Health

People use affirmation statements like, "I am a winner" to make themselves feel better and promote better behavior. One of the intriguing things about certain affirmation phrases is that they can make people feel worse. For example, "Everyday, in everyway, I am getting better" can lead to people developing unhealthy mental fixations and unrealistic pictures of success. The end result is they become more depressed and less likely to fulfill their own goals.

Watch your resolutions!

The steps to eliminate this problem are simple though:

1.) Set realistic, obtainable goals.
2.) Have a guide that is backward planned. Where do you want to be in one year? Tomorrow?
3.) Don't focus on the negatives. Many people who plan this focus on things they don't like about themselves. Focus on improving.
4.) Don't beat yourself up. Set aside specific times to do things to make them become routine. Set aside a certain time to work out, to learn an instrument, etc. to improve, but focus on the improvements, not the failures.
5.) Keep a journal. Start off with where you are at now and then look at where you are at in two months by lookinga the journal. If you're working out, for example, take off your shirt, weigh yourself, and record your lifts and aerobic times. You might be impressed at how far you can go in just three months.

Intrigue based game from a mystery writer

Gayle Trent has a quick article on how to improve the quality of your characters in novel writing. Of course, this applies to pick-up as well. To quote the infamous Ross Jeffries, the problem with the average guy is he "spurts from the heart and shoots from the c***." Meaning that most guys, when they meet a girl they like, start immediately telling the girl everything about themselves. She doesn't have to work for it, so there's absolutely no intrigue created by this.

Revealing small tidbits about your characters as you go along helps engage your readers. We know how important that is in dropping clues and red herrings, but it's also an excellent way to have your readers identify with your characters -- even the villains. This is especially important in a mystery because it isn't until the end of the story (hopefully) that the reader figures out who is truly the villain.
The ability to insinuate personal qualities that are attractive about yourself is the entire art of DHV'ing. If you give it away too soon without the audience working for it, then the show is over. Much like using magic as a personal attractor, your ability to convey personality by giving a piece at a time while the audience works for it is what seperates the people who use intrigue game effectively versus those fail.

Using magick for pick-up

There's a company that actually dedicates the magic craft to pick-up. There's an introduction that is up here:

A few of their PUA videos can be found here:

The first thing that I like is these guys use very practical magic tricks. If you have ever screened through books on magic tricks, you might find one or two tricks that can work in a bar setting. This cuts down on all that searching and shows you how to have really simple, easy magic tricks that can help convey personality.

The reading is important because they talk about some major problems you should avoid with the pick-up:

1.) Do not open with the magic trick. Doing tricks for girls to impress them is a major DLV. You also don't want to get a reputation as "that guy".

2.) Like anything else in pick-up whether it's humor (evil clown vs. dancing monkey), intelligence (sophisticated man vs. boring bookworm), or magic (intriguing man vs. bar magician), you should calibrate magic tricks to the level of effort your audience is putting in. If they work hard, a good magic trick is certainly useful, particularly if you are in a group setting and want to control the crowd.

3.) Running routines is a good complement to what we call "intrigue-based" game. Here's the link:

The Science of Gullibility

How People Get Duped (Audio Link):

This is an audio report from NPR with author Stephen Greenspan, who wrote The Annals of Gullibility. There are some interesting tid-bits from the point of showing what makes a person skeptical about these types of schemes. The biggest factor is based off a quip that Eric Hoffer made: "When people are free to do as they please, they often imitate each other." (Paraphrased).

Take the infamous (dot)com crash. The main factor influencing the bubble that developed in the first place was the tendency of people to see and hear that online investments were going up and up and up, and so people who didn't buy them were considered foolish. You can spot this on most pages of books, on advertisements, and many other places. A typical book that is any good will have four pages of paper telling you just how good that book is. Then there's an acknowledgement at the beginning that tells you how good that book is. Finally, a person will write a preface vouching even further that the book is REALLY that good.

In the case where multiple people are vouching for the effectiveness of something, it actually seems foolish to pass it up, regardless of the fact that there may be very good logical evidence to counter that assumption. I like this book because outside of Michael Shermer's Why People Believe Weird Things, this is a subject most people have not touched on.

So, you wonder how this relates to seduction? Not all that much really, but this is the importance of social proofing and pre-selection. The strongest thing that vouches for you is NOT what actually exists, your money, your job, your personaltiy, but the fact that other people act as if you have it. Many of the famous seducers in Robert Greene's Art of Sedution were masters of manipulating this, and scammers are masters of manipulation in this as well.

A lengthy prelude about the book can be obtained on Shermer's e-skeptic website:

Friday, January 9, 2009

Can Intelligence Keep You From Getting Laid?

Intelligence is an attribute you often see come up in female discussions about what type of men they are after. "I want someone who is intelligent," is a common description that women either post in personal ads or say in person. Yet, a paradox immediately confronts us.

I can immediately think of plenty of idiots who get laid regularly. Conversely, I can also think of tons of intelligent men who don't. Immediately, this objection can be brushed aside. People with lower intelligence pay less attention to social programming and conditioning, and social conditioning teaches men how to fail miserably with women. That's how the phrase "AFC" came about, the average man is frustrated, and the frustration is largely due to the fact that intellectually, many men can't understand why following all the advice and doing what they are supposed to do isn't bringing them the results they want.

However, there are more serious objections to this idea. For example, ever been to a science convention? Or a sci-fi convention? How about a Mensa meeting? All of those have tons of incredibly intelligent men, and everyone of those places looks like a gigantic cock farm. There is a skit with Triumph the Insult Comic where he goes to a convention and sees a woman. He says, "Holy hell, a woman here. You have your virtual pick of the lot. Ten thousand men, all of whom have no idea how to please you." If women are trying to pick up intelligent men, it would seem obvious they would hang out in places that have intelligent men. This observation bears no fruition, unfortunately.

Intelligence is something that only attracts women in a VERY specific way. You can't use intelligence as an axe to bludgeon women with; it works best like a scaple, only small, precision based applications will help you. There are numerous problems with using intelligence to DHV, let's see how we can help eliminate some of the bigger pitfalls of this.

1.) Any attempt to use intelligence means you are seeking approval: Mehow talks a bit about how to DHV using intelligence. A key distinction that he makes is the "evil clown" vs. the "dancing monkey." Like using intelligence, using humor to subcommunicate attractive qualities will fail miserably if you come off like you are seeking rapport with the women. Mehow's distinction lies in the fact that a good PUA will come off like he is having more fun telling the jokes and making fun of people in the group than the audience does watching him do it. The exact combination is called "Cocky/Funny" or CnF, pioneered by David DeAngelo.

2.) Using intelligence can indicate you are socially uncalibrated: Face it, where are you at when you use this? If you bring up your opinion on existential philosophy and the Dadaist movement while at a club, you come off as a pretty weird guy.

3.) Intelligence can make people feel intimidated: If you are more intelligent than the people you are talking to, they will feel too timid to say anything. No one wants to look foolish or ill-informed. By being intelligent, you make them self-conscious of saying or doing anything stupid, thus making it very difficult to vibe.

How to avoid these problems

The easiest way to avoid these problems and pitfalls is to use the following strategies:

1.) Indicate genuine interest in the other person's contribution: In one of Ben Franklin's many letters to himself, he has one about how not to make an ass of himself at a party. Essentially, he says to talk less and to indicate more interest in what the other person is saying. Given his intelligence probably exceeded that of yours, it's good advice. If someone makes a statement and you qualify it, they will feel more comfortable around you.

2.) Hedge your statements: If you make statements like, "The pig can have an orgasm for thirty minutes", it shows a couple of things. First, what the hell are you reading in your free time? Second, the statement is blatantly showing that you know something they don't. We'll revise this statement a couple of ways to make it more palatable. First, hedge the statement with something like, "I read something really weird today. I found out that pigs can have an orgasm for thirty minutes. But it didn't say if it was the male pig or the female pig. What do you think?"

You have added that you *read* this interesting factoid somewhere else, thus not making it seem as if it was universal knowledge. If you state facts without hedging the statement with stuff like, "I think I heard", "I might have seen somewhere", etc., you give direct statements that make it seem as if this is things everyone should know.

3.) Give some situational relevancy to what you say: The statement "I read something today that was really weird" adds some situational relevancy to what you are saying. This doesn't apply to just saying things that are intellectual, it applies to any statement where people might think you are bragging or bringing up irrelevant topics.

4.) Go somewhere with it: The final piece to that is to go somewhere with it. Why were you making that statement? In this case, the follow-up is whether or not it was the male pig or the female pig. If she says female pig, you can follow-up with, "What? That's so sexist. Even across species, women still band together." Or if it's male, "What? You know how many sandwiches you'd have to make me if I had a thirty minute orgasm?"

5.) Make sure it's information worth being shared: This one is the "who didn't know this?" part of the blog, but make sure the information is actually emotionally stimulating. If it wouldn't be included in a book like "Why do Men Have Nipples?" or "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader" it probably isn't worth sharing. Your ideas on what the best race car is probably won't titillate many women.

Overall, the structure looks like this:

1.) Situational Relevance: You have a reason for bringing it up so it does not come off like you are bragging.

2.) Emotional Relevance: The information is interesting or has enough value to warrant bringing it up.

3.) It has some follow-up: You need follow-up to vibe or to help qualify the woman.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sexual Stragies that Men and Women Pursue:

Scientific Article by David M. Buss on Sexual Strategies

I'll cull this down to the interesting stuff. Simply put, men and women have two options for pursuing mates. They can either pursue long-term mates or short-term mates. Interestingly, the friends know the strategies and tactics that they use and there is a high accuracy rate between them.

Men and women who want a sexual partner pursue the same strategies. Women prefer three qualities when seeking a short-term partner. Attractiveness, sexual availability, and social dominance. Men initiated touch, dressed better, and were reported to have had sex more often. Women did the same. Also, they would derogatively refer to rivals on the same scale. Men called attention to a lack of rivals attractiveness or sexual abilities. Women called other women "frigid" or insinuated they didn't have sex.

Psychology, why your pick-up line might not work

The community often talks about "Congruency". Congruency is a way of saying that your spoken words and conscious actions match your subconscious behavior. To test it, try saying, "I love you" while clenching your fists and jaw hard, and breathing shallow. Doesn't sound very sincere does it?

Psychologists studying emotions gave a name to this phenomenon:

The Law of Apparent Reality

Whatever seems real to us, can elicit an emotional response. In other words how we appraise or interpret a situation governs the emotion we feel (compare with laws 11 & 12). The reason poor movies, plays or books don't engage us emotionally is because, in some sense, we fail to detect truth. Similarly it's difficult to get emotional about things that aren't obvious, right in front of us. For example grief may not strike when we are told about the death of loved one, but only once it becomes real to us in some way - say when we pick up the phone to call them, forgetting they are gone.

In short, a poorly delivered line lacks any emotional kick to it because the girl doesn't believe it. It simply isn't real.

Another interesting tidbit is on why we experience fear of rejection even if it has been years since that event:

8. The Law of Conservation of Emotional Momentum
Time doesn't heal all wounds - or if it does, it only does so indirectly. Events can retain their emotional power over the years unless we re-experience and re-evaluate them. It's this re-experiencing and consequent re-definition that reduces the emotional charge of an event. This is why events that haven't been re-evaluated - say, failing an exam or being rejected by a potential lover - retain their emotional power across the decades.

Pulling a girl on the same night

I was checking out pickuplabs when a report caught my eye. The discussion is on what's called "The Apocolypse Opener". Coincidentally, a seduction lair in Canada had Cairon there and they tested out the opener as well. The results were about the same, strong hook if you get it, but then some logistic problems get in the way.

Ross Jeffries, the OOG (Original, Original Guru. Original Guru now means people in the game before Style published a book by that same name), posted up some problems with the Apocolypse Opener. His points are pretty salient. Essentially, it's an opener that would work based upon two preconditions. The woman has done SNLs before and is comfortable with the concept, further, the woman *wants* a SNL and is actively looking for one. The man doing the opener must be the type who routinely does SNLs or problems will occur.

One of the other residents, Sense, took offense. RJ can be famously abrasive, he has a reputation of being a total... anyway Sense assumed that RJ was making fun of him. RJ was actually wearing his kid gloves this time, so I don't know why Sense got upset.

Anywho, my own two cents to this discussion ties into other points I've made on this blog. The first, you need to be able to calibrate in field, and that won't happen if you don't have experience. Here's a few logistical problems you will run into on a SNL and this is not exhaustive.

Sense, RJ actually has a good point. Here’s some off the top of my head.

You get the girl. You ask if she wants to go home with you, she says “Yes.” You go to your car with her.

Problem 1: Is your car clean? How far away is your house? Can you keep compliance with this girl long enough to do the full pull? Can you fend off her friends who are going to come to her and ask if she’s “Okay” ten thousand times?

If your house is fifteen minutes away and there’s going to be fifteen minutes of awkward silence, you’re going to have a hard time on this pull.

You pull up to the house and go inside. Now,

Problem 2: Is your house a mess? Most importantly, do you have a messy bathroom? Do you have any chick supplies so she can remove her make-up and not ruin your pillow? Do you have a contact lens case holder in case she wears contacts? Do you have any signs of pre-selection in the house? Do you have roommates or other people who are uncomfortably close? Do you have any ways to block out the sound if it gets loud?

Additional problem, she’s starting to flake because she’s got work in the morning. What do you do?

Next, you pull her into your bedroom.

Problem 4: She wants a drink. Do you have a mini-frig in your room for her, or does she have to leave your room to get it from the kitchen. What do you have to drink? How do you get her back in your room if she leaves? Her boyfriend calls, how do you react? She says she has work early in the morning.

You get her in the bedroom and are taking off your clothes.

Problem 5: Is everything groomed right? Do you have a condom nearby? Did you leave it in your pants and chunk them across the room? (Don’t emulate me here.) Did you wash everything? Do you have nice towels for her when she wants to shower? Is your bed comfortable?

All of these problems are going to hit you at once if you pull the girl, so if this is not something you experience normally, you will not be able to handle all this. Additionally, you will experience the seering pain of watching a woman walk out of your house that you had in there just seconds ago.

U.S. Role in Korean Prostitution Ring

Two of the greatest travesties against humanity occurred during WWII. The first and most famous was the Holocaust, a riveting example of in-group/out-group mentality documented meticulously by Richard Evans and John Jay Lipton.

But a lesser known tragedy occurred in China and Korea. China is partially known for the "Rape of Nanking", photographs and survivor recollections of this event rank as one of the most horrific things you can ever see or read.

However, a lesser known horror was that the Japanese enslaved Korean women and used them as sex slaves on ships and for their home base. In the story given by Niall Ferguson, a woman has sex from sun-up until sun-down. If she contracts a venereal disease, a doctor gives her a shot of penicillin, and she is given two days to recover.

Ex-prostitutes now charge that their government operated much the same during the Korean War. While none were enslaved, they were coerced in other manners:

But the women suggest that the government also viewed them as commodities to be used to shore up the country’s struggling economy in the decades after the Korean War. They say the government not only sponsored classes for them in basic English and etiquette — meant to help them sell themselves more effectively — but also sent bureaucrats to praise them for earning dollars when South Korea was desperate for foreign currency.

“They urged us to sell as much as possible to the G.I.’s, praising us as ‘dollar-earning patriots,’ ” Ms. Kim said.

The United States military, the scholars say, became involved in attempts to regulate the trade in so-called camp towns surrounding the bases because of worries about sexually transmitted diseases.

In one of the most incendiary claims, some women say that the American military police and South Korean officials regularly raided clubs from the 1960s through the 1980s looking for women who were thought to be spreading the diseases. They picked out the women using the number tags the women say the brothels forced them to wear so the soldiers could more easily identify their sex partners.

The Korean police would then detain the prostitutes who were thought to be ill, the women said, locking them up under guard in so-called monkey houses, where the windows had bars. There, the prostitutes were forced to take medications until they were well.

The women, who are seeking compensation and an apology, have compared themselves to the so-called comfort women who have won widespread public sympathy for being forced into prostitution by the Japanese during World War II. Whether prostitutes by choice, need or coercion, the women say, they were all victims of government policies.

“If the question is, was there active government complicity, support of such camp town prostitution, yes, by both the Korean governments and the U.S. military,” said Katharine H. S. Moon, a scholar who wrote about the women in her 1997 book, “Sex Among Allies.”

Source: NY Times

Approach Anxiety in the Ancient Times

Many PUAs, most notably Mystery and David DeAngelo, are big fans of evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology posits that the human brain is a product of several different competing systems, which have evolved to help pass the genes of humans. Unfortunately, many of those systems are now woefully antiquated.

For example, the authors of the book Mean Genes surmise that approach anxiety resulted from a time when the Ancient Ancestoral Environment (AAE) was filled with a small group of people who all knew each other. Men attempting to approach a strange woman would be viewed with suspicion, and most likely killed.

So we begin this reading from Tariq Ali:

Gerald Martin’s new biography of Gabriel García Márquez reveals that Chronicle of a Death Foretold was based on the murder of the novelist’s friend Cayetano Gentile in Sucre in 1951. He had seduced, deflowered and abandoned Margarita Chica Salas. On her wedding day Margarita’s husband was told that she was no longer a virgin. The bride was sent back to her family home. Her brothers then found Gentile and chopped his body into pieces.

Tariq Ali, in the London Review of Books.

This is a pretty straightforward example of that principle. Tariq Ali, however, goes on to list the repercussions for women, which are far longer and more extensive. In almost all ancient codes of conduct be it Greek, Jewish, Roman, Zoroastrian, or Arabic, the punishment for a female cheating or having sex unwed was far greater. And thus this gives us what PUAs term "Last Minute Resistance".

The article by Tariq Ali is a harrowing, but very real reminder of why our jobs can sometimes be so difficult.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Origin of the Tutu

The Tutu, the Unknown History.

One of the advantages of web surfing like this is you occasionally come across gyms of gold like this.

Opera glasses were never more avidly raised than the night at the Paris Opera in the early 1730s, when a dancer named Mariette made an unusually athletic jump and got her skirts tangled in the scenery. Knickers were not then commonly worn - and the audience caught a spectacular flash of naked buttock and thigh.

An official edict was hurriedly passed, banning women from setting foot on the stage unless they were wearing suitable undergarments. But the inexorable rise of dancers' skirts continued to lure male punters to the ballet. During the first half of the 19th century, when the cult of the super-natural ballet - such as Giselle and La Sylphide - was at its height, and dancers were cast as sylphs and ghosts, skirts became significantly shorter and more transparent. The effect was to make ballerinas look like creatures of light and air, but also to reveal titillating glimpses of a pretty knee. For the wealthy patrons who routinely acquired their mistresses from the ranks of ballet companies, this was a very satisfactory development.

Here I thought ballet was all about art and performance, and I find out it's like Nascar. You don't watch the sport, you wait for the wrecks.

A bailout for Porn

Porn Industry Seeks Five Billion Dollar Bailout

Hustler's Larry Flynt and the dude in the "Girls Gone Wild" videos are seeking a five billion dollar federal bailout in the economic downturn hysteria. One has to suspect the "Nailin' Palin" franchise didn't work out as well as Flynt expected.
Women less physically active

Studies show women are less physically active at both ends of the spectrum. This puts them at greater risk for osteoporosis, diabetes, and other diseases linked to low levels of physical activity.

The researchers, who focused on 10 and 11 year-old children in the school playground, found that boys and girls tend to play differently.

Girls tended to spend time in smaller groups and engage in verbal games, conversation and socialising.

Most boys, however, played in larger groups, which lend themselves more to physically active games, such as football.

Researcher Dr Nicky Ridgers said: "It is a concern that girls' activity levels are lower than boys and, although it is just one piece in a complex picture, this could be contributing to girls being overweight and obese.

"Schools should be aware of the differences between the way girls and boys behave in the playground and the fact that girls tend to favour small group activities.

So now if you see a fatty in the club, you can explain it away scientifically. Or, if you're Sinn, you can go pick her up.

Is Love all about chemicals?

Is Love Just a Chemical Cocktail?

The link is an interesting story about how love is made by a chemical cocktail called oxytocin. If the exact chemical combination can be figured out, then you will have love. Is love merely an epiphenomenon of chemical interactions? (That's a ten dollar word that means "by-product"). If so, the study's main author Dr. Young argues that chemical pills can be developed to help people fall in love.

What the article doesn't mention is some preliminary tests have already been done. First, researchers have found out that oxytocin actually arises about six months after a couple has started seeing each other. In other words, chemical bonding on a deep, emotional level occurs after the first meeting. It peaks about eighteen months later. The most notable side effect is that passionate romance gives way to a more warm, generalized feeling of being with someone.

In order to test this premise, scientists did a study where they studied monkey brains. When monkeys groom each other, it is more about social hierarchy and maintaining order than about getting rid of pests. One species in particular, a long-haired gibbon I want to say, (I'm off-hand referencing this study), braids the hair for five hours if two of the females are seperated and then reunited. During this period, oxytocin levels reach a high peak, with the females grabbing each other excitedly and acting like humans do when reunited.

Scientists grabbed two females, seperated them for a few days, shot them with oxytocin, and then reunited them. The result? The monkeys did absolutely nothing. Having already received the chemical fix, they no longer responded to each other. In other words, the pill might just make people less attracted to each other, not more attracted. The brain works to receive its drug, if it gets it, it loses interest in acquiring more of it. That's why drugs cause people to lose sleep, not drink water, or eat. The pleasurable feeling supercedes any normal pleasurable feelings they may have had.

If you're interested in the book I am off-referencing, it is Liars, Lovers, and Heroes, and it contains many more fascinating studies.
There are essentially the five stages of fashion:

1.) D&D playing dweeb who spends ten dollars a month or less on clothing. Clothing will be cheap or corny.

2.) Comfortable. Stroll through a college campus and you will see comfortably dressed guys everywhere. The clothes are typically oversized, generic, and will probably be a minor name-brand (Gap, American Eagle, etc.)

3.) Well-dressed. Clothes will be more expensive and well-matched. Best product on this is Pickup 101s “Dress to Impress”.

4.) Sexual stereotype. At this stage, the person will be a recognizeable sexual identity, e.g. prep, metrosexual, urban prep, etc. The best book on this is Brad P’s “Fashion Bible”.

5.) Peacocked. An identity which is recognizable but is even more overdone.
The Iron Law of Peacocking: You will either be the coolest guy at the club, or the biggest loser walking on God’s Green Earth. The way you can tell is the reactions you get from people. If people are laughing at you, give you bad initial reactions, or ignore you, then you look like a clown. Do not dress like Mystery! He’s a professional magician, he can get away with dressing like that because magicians go over the top. You are not, don’t do it.

Start wearing accessories, and pay attention to things like what socks you wear and what shoes you wear. This will take a long time and is one of the more expensive areas of pick-up.

Gaining Inherent value

The key to an instant transformation is what Mystery does first on “the pick-up artist”. Get a make-over. Here are some keys that will instantly transform your inherent value:

1.) Shave. Any excess facial hair that looks scraggly needs to come off immediately. It isn’t attractive, and women don’t like it when you are pleasuring them.

2.) Get rid of bad hair. Any hair on the neck that makes the “fur rug” needs to go. Ditto with your chest hair and the hair rug on the lower back. No one has ever found hair on these three places attractive, get rid of it. If you have hair coming out of your nose or your ears, get rid of it. Shave that unabrow. This should be elementary, but so many guys have these horrible grooming mistakes and then wonder why women don’t find them attractive.

This applies to all regions. You don’t have to clean shave your back, forearms, pubic region, etc. but you do need to do some “manscaping” to keep them clean. The easiest way to do it is to buy a pair of clippers and set the shave to two or three. If the hairs are hard, you can use conditioner to keep them from feeling too bristly.

3.) Unclean, cracked, broken, or long fingernails. Clip your nails evenly, and get rid of any dirt down there. You can cheaply make your nails look much better by either getting a polishing kit or by using clear nailpolish to make them look nice. One advantage of painting your nails black is that it hides any dirt you may have. A clear nail overcoat is more likely for most men, it works great if you use palm reading techniques to allow you to show your hands off to a woman.

4.) Moisturize. Both your face and hands. Many men have dried out, dead looking skin on those areas.

5.) Get a good haircut. Trust a gay barber, he will try to make you look good versus a woman who will probably play safe.

6.) Along with that, post up various pictures of yourself on “Hotornot” or another rating website and see what looks and styles get you the highest ratings.

7.) Wear deodorant, use colognes, and smell good. Incidentally, a word on colognes. Colognes interact with your personal body oils and smell to create something that is different. So, what a cologne smells like when you spray it on a stick is not what it will smell like when you apply it on yourself. Style’s Cologne opener is brilliant because it both initiates a conversation and it gives you real world information you need.

8.) Start reading fashion magazines. Details, Esquire, GQ, and so forth. Go visit any bookstore and you can read them for free while you wait. There are several fashion books which can help you out, I recommend everyone own Details book on men’s fashion. Several recommendations on the top fashion books will be given in the general style advice section.

9.) Even if you don’t have great fashion, at the least, you need to wear clothes that fit. Many men wear clothing that is very ill-fitting on their body or body type. Fat men, do not wear t-shirts or hoodies. These pad you up and make you look bloated. Wear long-sleeve t-shirts and jackets if you can.

10.) Whiten your teeth. Yellow discolored teeth are a disqualifier, use a whitener on them or if you really need help, get porcelain veneers.

11.) If you wear glasses, switch to contacts. If you still wear glasses, pick a designer pair, (make sure you pick a spare frame so if you destroy them you have a back-up). If you have a sharply angled face, do NOT wear glasses that have sharp angles as well. Pick a more rounded pair. Conversely, if you have a roundish face, wear glasses with angles to contrast it. A mildly darkened lens is an excellent piece to have as well.

12.) Get a tan. Spray-on tans have special methods to be applied, but places like Mystiq tan do an excellent job of applying a whole body tan. You can use a tanning bed as well, but do not overdo it. Overdoing it will create leathery skin, increase your risk of skin cancer, and make you look like a lobster.

13.) Join a gym. There are different types of workouts for different types of people. However, you should be very careful about gym memberships. Signing a membership for a year can land you a gym membership can get you into a gym that you will not visit for 8 months and still have to pay for. A separate article will be written on this.

Strangely, many people show up to bootcamps without these basic habits down. After this, you will need to work on the harder part of inherent value. Building an identity and dressing so that you stand out.

What is personal value

The next form of value is personal value. This is your compatibility with another person. A psychologist viewed a bootcamp by Love Systems on t.v. and said that “most of these are tactics to prolong the initial conversation.” The “why” was ignored, but this is the reason. The longer you can interact with someone, the more of a chance you have to demonstrate compatibility with them. Conversely, the longer you interact with someone, the more chances you have to find out you will not like them. For the longest time, this was the problem with “target” pick-up where you had to select a target and begin attracting them. You could find out after talking to the person for ten minutes that you didn’t like them. Mehow has found a solution to this via his “group attraction manifesto” that will also be discussed later. To give it a brief synopsis, it’s a method for making yourself attractive to the whole group so you can decide on a target at a later time.

Another part of personal value that has been getting hit on heavily in the community recently is Inner Game. Part of personal value is your view of yourself relative to the other person. E.g. if you think you are a six and you are dating a nine, you will commit a form of sabotage I call “leaking”, actions or statements you make to her that indicate you feel unworthy of her love. We’ll discuss this as well later.
The last form of value has been what PUAs have been honing in on for the longest time. It’s how you emotionally stimulate someone. To the greater degree you emotionally stimulate someone, (called “Buying Temperature” by pick-up artists), the more of a chance you have to build attraction. There are some problems with just buying temperature alone; you need to be able to build attraction via multiple channels, another one of Mehow’s theories called “Microloop theory”. (Mehow is one of my favorite PUAs and a large portion of my game incorporates elements he introduced into the community.)

Techniques and Tactics:

The various techniques and tactics were pioneered by the most famous member of the PUA community, Mystery. As he studied human interactions, he began to notice common trends and patterns. With experimentation and help from a small group of insiders, he pioneered most of the structure that remains active today. His results were published in The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed

Techniques and tactics has a dizzying array of subsets. Methods of DHVing, DLVing, Phone game, text game, facebook/myspace game, two-set openers, group openers, negging, disqualification theory, peacocking, kino escalation, wing rules, locking-in, proper story-telling, etc. Entire books and audio CDs are structured on this alone.


However, no one has yet figured out how to teach calibration. Largely, this is because calibration is completely relative to the individual and to the person he is interacting with. Calibration is the missing piece in many people’s game, and it is largely what separates PUAs from wannabes. As such, it will be ignored in this book, because the only advice anyone has yet come up with is, “Go practice” to develop calibration.

Mehow currently offers two programs designed to get your calibration up to a whole new level. Check out his Unleashed program for more information.

Story-telling is covered in detail by Venusian Arts "Revelation" and some other books. Unfortunately, there is not much mainstream data on how to tell stories for pick-up, but The Story Factor is one, though it's meant more from a management standpoint.

What causes attraction?

From my experience and research, there are three major things that cause attraction:

1.) Value. This can be broken into four separate pieces: Inherent Value, Social Value, Personal Value, and Emotional Value.

2.) Techniques and Tactics. The difference between opening a seated set and a standing set, difference between a two set and a three set, dealing with mixed sets, dealing with interruptions, the difference between an internal interruption and an external interruption, etc.

3.) Calibration. What to say, when to say it, and how to say it. Understanding social interactions, understanding where you are with the girl, understanding the difference between her personal feelings versus how she is acting around her friends, etc.


What do women want? According to Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes?, here’s everything women want. The taller the man, the better. A 5’6 man has to earn a quarter of a million dollars more to be as attractive to a woman as a 6’ tall man. The more average the man’s face, (looks like other people’s with no deformities) and the more symmetrical it is, the better. If he has blue eyes, a deep voice, broad shoulders, tight stomach and a small waist, a head full of hair, and a good butt, he’s golden. Anyone else, well... shove off. There’s some individuality, women prefer men with a MHC different than their own, (immunological system), and it can be detected through sweat. There is another book called The Score in which the female author went to a bootcamp by Venusian Art to see how it worked. The book only briefly mentions PUA at all, it is mostly dedicated to the exact same material as Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes?

All of that falls under the category of “Inherent Value”. PUAs have fallen on their faces trying to explain inherent value, but it’s not as complicated as they make it out to be. On one camp, books by psychologists and attraction experts make it seem that personality and individual elements are all useless, and that raw genetics provides the answer.

On the opposite side, most PUAs pretend inherent value doesn’t exist at all, and that looks don’t matter at all. When scientists studied this problem, they came to the obvious, common sense answer. Looks matter, at least during a speed dating session, (3 minutes). Researchers found women selected the same men over and over again regardless of how ill-matched his personality was with what women say they wanted. As PUAs have correctly said for years, what a woman says she wants matters for absolutely nothing.

However, this seems off because many ugly PUAs have beautiful women in their lives. Mystery, Style, Mehow, Ross Jeffries, Kermit, David Shade, and several others are not attractive men. What is happening during speed dating is obvious if you ever watched a speed dating event. Almost all guys ask the EXACT same questions, in almost the same order. PUAs derogatively call this “the interview”, where are you from, what do you do for a living, etc. What inherent value gives you is the ability to ask ridiculously boring questions and get away with it. A woman will answer questions from a guy with a high inherent value, she will not from a man with a low inherent value. In short, a man with a high I.V. will go straight into rapport. If you watch naturals, this is what most of them do. Ceteris Paribus, (all else equal), an attractive man will beat out an unattractive man because the woman is willing to invest in the interaction and get to the part PUAs call "vibing".

Fortunately for you and me, not all else is equal. You still have more ways to Demonstrate Higher Value than this. The first way to do this is to pump up your Social Value. Unfortunately, this is the area most men try to pump up and that they are most likely to lie about. Researchers found this out via examining online dating ads. Men lie about their wealth and social status, women lie about their age and weight. What do you do, who are you friends with, what resources do you have, etc. Common examples of this are beautiful women with rich men, e.g. Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Kevin Bacon, etc. A good moment will be given to Mr. Kevin Bacon, who said: “Getting laid when you’re a celebrity is easy, it’s getting laid when you’re not that’s a challenge.” Social value is the common phenomenon where you have a girlfriend and women start eyeballing you when you’re with her, or married men get hit on when they have their wedding ring on, but not when they take it off.

That makes no logical sense. A man who would fall prey to "mate poaching" as Jared Diamond would put it, would be a bad long term mate. So a wedding ring does not show off his ability to commit, as some women would suggest. What it really says is that he is a mate with good resources. In general, obvious bragging about your social value is going to be viewed suspiciously by women. In cases where our communication is unclear, people rely upon verbal and non-verbal clues to judge our truthfulness. (Or truthiness, if you love Stephen Colbert.)

E.g. what body posture do you have when you tell a story about traveling the World in your yacht? If your body posture is poor, tonality is flat, words are hesistant, her odds of believing your story are extremely poor. We will discuss in further posts how correct body language can help you convey your message better.